Cocaine abuse: The Signs
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Signs of Cocaine Abuse

When you look for them, there are many signs of cocaine abuse one can spot in their loved one. Many drug users are unable to see the negative consequences

of their actions. However, those who love them often notice and are the first to recognize that the one they care about is showing signs of cocaine abuse. The physical signs of cocaine abuse can vary depending on the person.

Quite often, when it comes to the signs of cocaine abuse the eyes are a good indicator. A cocaine users eyes will appear wide and often bloodshot with dilated pupils. Stimulants like cocaine increase heart rate and blood pressure so heart irregularities can be a warning sign. Cocaine users often have an elevated/speed up speech pattern so speech irregularities in the way they would normally speak is one of the signs of cocaine abuse. Cocaine is an appetite suppressant so people that use cocaine regularly will often lose weight or are not hungry at meal time. Also, because cocaine is powerful stimulant, people who use it often have a difficult time falling asleep.

Here are some of the most common warning signs that your loved one may be using and/or abusing cocaine. These signs of cocaine abuse are what to look for if you suspect someone you know might be using cocaine. Like any warning sign, they are no guarantee, merely indicators to raise serious concerns.

  • Absence from work
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Anxious
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Change in ones tolerance for cocaine (i.e. needing more cocaine to get high or getting high much more easily and by using less cocaine than was used in the past)
  • Debt
  • Extreme dilation of the pupils of the eyes
  • Family issues
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Frequent tardiness
  • Getting into trouble because of cocaine or other substance use
  • Losing jobs or being unable to find a job
  • Getting arrested or having other legal problems
  • Sabotaging relationships or having trouble with family or friends
  • Having money problems because of cocaine use
  • Giving up important activities or losing friendships because of cocaine use
  • Having trouble reducing or abstaining from cocaine
  • Not being able to control how much or how often one uses
  • Using more cocaine or other substances than planned
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Job loss
  • Money problems
  • Nose bleeds
  • Preoccupation with getting or using cocaine
  • Living mainly to get high on cocaine
  • Making cocaine use important in life or being obsessed with using cocaine
  • Problems with work performance
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Relationship problems
  • Stopping cocaine or other substance use for a period of time, days, weeks, or months, only to begin again
  • Using cocaine and not being able to fulfill obligations at home, at work, or with others
  • Feeling as if cocaine or other substances are needed to fit in with others or function at work or at home
  • Driving under the influence of cocaine
  • Using cocaine even though it cause problems in ones life

Cocaine abuse: The Signs
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